Call for Entries
This year’s Touchstone technical communication competition is almost upon us. The deadline for entries is November 4, 2023.
If you have work you’re especially proud of, enter it so your fellow communicators can admire and recognize it.
If you have work that you’re not quite happy with, enter it to receive the advice and counsel of our experienced judges.
This competition is sponsored by the Northern California chapters of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). The proceeds from Touchstone support the Kenneth Gordon Scholarship and other local STC activities.
How to Enter
First entrant an STC member: $89.
First entrant not an STC member: $199.
All entrants students: $49.
An entrant for whom the entry fee presents a hardship can pay an entry fee of $39 for one entry, regardless of STC membership. An entry in this category can have only one entrant.
If for any reason we decide not to judge your entry, we will return your fee.
Entry Instructions:
- Download and fill out the entry form (a Microsoft Word file).
- Create a six-digit entry number to identify your entry.
Use this number everywhere you need to identify your entry (for example, on the entry form). If you submit more than one entry, make the numbers consecutive. - For each entry, prepare a submission package containing the following:
- One (1) complete copy of the entry form. We keep this for competition use and do not share entrant names or contact information with the judges.
- Four (4) abbreviated copies of the entry form. We provide these to judges. Do not include the pages containing entrant information. Start printing with the page that begins “Entry Number (repeat information from the first page).” Replace “repeat information from the first page” with the entry number and entry title.
- DO NOT OMIT THIS STEP: Email a copy of your entry form to this address. Make the subject of the email STC Competition Entry.
- Four (4) copies of each entry, each with one of the abbreviated copies of the entry form. Do not include entrant information.
For electronically viewable entries, send electronic copies (for example, on CD), or specify a URL on the entry form.
Mark all submitted materials inconspicuously (for example, on the inside back cover of a book) with the number you created in step 2.
We do not return any of the materials you submit.
- Four (4) copies of each entry, each with one of the abbreviated copies of the entry form. Do not include entrant information.
- Your entry fee (check or printed PayPal receipt) with the complete copy of the entry form.
To pay by PayPal
- Your entry fee (check or printed PayPal receipt) with the complete copy of the entry form.
Send your submission package to:
STC Competition
c/o Gale Naylor
6650 Via San Blas
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 600-7996We must receive your entry at that address by the entry deadline.